Guest host Bishop Gwendolyn Phillips Coates joins Sister Melannie in conversation with Dr. Eddie Moore Jr.

Dr. Moore is the founder of the White Privilege Conference and the White Privilege Institute. He joins the conversation to discuss his upcoming presentation at The People’s Gathering: A Revolution of Consciousness Conference.

Notes: Sister Audrey is on sabbatical. She will return to the mic soon.


Sisters Audrey and Melannie unite on the microphone after several weeks away. They catch listeners up on what’s been happening with them which leads to their emotional discussion about the “toll” Black people pay existing in White Supremacist Culture. Their conversation is raw and unapologetic. They conclude with the declaration that the antidote to white supremacist culture is Black JOY!


The Cycle of Socialization (.pdf)

The Cycle of Liberation (.pdf)

White Supremacist Culture

Channel 253 membership


The Sisters chat with Christine Harrison, Melannie’s White Woman friend who recently completed her doctoral research on White Women Teaching in majority-Black and Brown Classrooms. Christie shares the concept of her study and findings. In the second half-hour, the Sisters and Dr. Harrison are joined by Cherry Steinwender, Executive Director of the Center for the Healing of Racism out of Houston, TX. They explore an exciting evolution to teach DEI and leadership through the metaphor of golf. Also, announcing – The People’s Golf Gathering!


As more and more “everyday people” choose to opt-out of the racist system this country was built upon, the die-hard racists are showing their desperate ways. Join the sisters as they discuss examples of what that desperation looks like, both nationally and locally.


This encore episode discusses the concept of Caucasity: the audacity of white people. Meaning, the willingness to take bold risks only white people feel safe doing. Join the Sisters as they provide recent examples of their lived experiences with caucasity in the workplace and their strategies to combat it.
